A Protected Equity Strategy Investment Product The Compound Capital Secura Portfolio Overlay mandates are investment mandates to restructure investment portfolios currently held by the professional investor and institutional investors. Typically investors' portfolios have started out as a long only direct equity portfolio or equity margin loan investment and the investor wishes to restructure their investment portfolio to remove the risk of margin calls or minimise capital downside. This product is suitable for investors seeking professional management to reduce volatility or market exposure to the share market while retaining their investment portfolio's asset allocation to the equities asset class. Where appropriate to the investor's needs, the Compound Capital Secura Portfolio Overlay can restructure the investor's portfolio to release funds and increase asset allocation to cash or fixed interest asset class while retaining exposure to the equities market. Advantages of this product include releasing cash without incurring capital gains tax and build wealth through hedging market volatility, arbitrage strategies and compounding returns.